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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

YM v10

as most of u might see, there is a latest version of Yahoo Messenger. as all new versions, there are new features, components, etc. but there is only one thing that i didnt like.. to ppl who use YM often, u should know when there is sumone who went online/offline cuz YM will notify u on the lower right of ur screen. well, the new thing is, its not that when someone PMs u, it is that that when one of ur contacts changes his/her stats, u'll get notified. its kinda annoying on my part since most of what i do on the computer resides on clicking on the lower right of the screen nd when im online on YM nd if it notifies me, the program minimizes and thats the annoying part. soooo, yahooooooooooo! lol