i despise people who only wants to be friends with some one who is rich or is able to give you many stuffs. Materialism can be bad. it could be the root factor of many things such as the way you interact with others, your personality, etc. i heard this once from a catholic guy "when we die, we leave everything that we have. " so it basically means that all that we possess will be senseless if we die. but then again, having those things can make your short life fulfilling and everything has a price LOL. when we do something good and/or it feels good, there is always something bad that happens simultaneously to it. for example, you eat meat everyday. you eat it at a normal phase that you dont over eat. eating meat shortens your life but it tastes good lol. didnt you ever noticed why those chinese people even reach the age of 100+? so as i was saying. i dont understand.. why choose something/someone that can make you feel good all the time? even in relationships, feeling good all the time is bad.